Sunday, December 27, 2015

General Safety Information Provided by Aromahead Institute

Essential Oil Safety Guidelines 
Based On Essential Oil Safety Book (Robert Tisserand)

  1. The following essential oils should not be used with anyone suspected of being vulnerable to epileptic seizures: Western Red Cedar, Wormwood, Genipi, Hyssop, Sage, Thuja, Pennyroyal, Buchu, Calamint, Tansy, Mugwort, Layana, Ho Leaf, Boldo, Wintergreen, Birch, Rosemary, Yarrow, Lavandin, Feverfew, and Spike Lavender. (Tisserand and Young p.134, table 10.2)
  2. Essential oils should be used very cautiously during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Essential oils should be used during these times only at a 1% dilution and only under guidance of an Aromatherapist or medical professional knowledgeable about essential oils. There are essential oils that are contraindicated during pregnancy, so please check each oil carefully. (Tisserand and Young charts p.152-153 and p.156).
  3. High blood pressure: Tisserand and Young state that there is no evidence to support the contraindication of topical use of essential oils. (Tisserand and Young p.658)
  4. In general, we recommend diluting essential oils in carrier oils before applying them to the skin. For general use, we recommend a total of 5–18 drops of essential oil in 1 oz (30 ml) of carrier oil. If an essential oil or blend causes irritation on your skin, immediately wash it off with soap and water, and then apply carrier oil to the affected area.
  5. For children who are 5–12 years old, elders, pregnant women, and those with serious health conditions, essential oils can be diluted at 1% (a total of 5–6 drops of essential oil for every 1 oz/30 ml of carrier oil). 

    There are various opinions about the best age to start using oils for babies and kids. My experience over the years has been that babies and young children are very sensitive. In most cases, rather than using essential oil, use hydrosols, aloe vera gel, butters, and carrier oils for kids under five years old (when doing a topical application). Hydrosols and carriers can often give a child the necessary nudge toward rebalancing their health.

    Diffusing gentle essential oils around babies and younger children is a good option, too. Ambient inhalation (inhaling oils that are diffused into the air) is generally safe.  
  6.  Avoid using Peppermint on children under five years old. Avoid using Ravintsara on children under ten years old
  7. Birch or Wintergreen should not be used on or given to children in ANY amount due to risk of developing Reye’s syndrome. (Tisserand and Young p.656).
  8. Do not recommend the use of essential oils directly on the fur or skin of small animals. Small animals can have toxic reactions to essential oils being applied to their fur or skin.
  9. Phototoxic: Bergamot, Lemon, cold pressed Lime, Grapefruit, Bitter Orange, Mandarin Leaf, Cumin, Angelica Root, Laurel Leaf absolute, Rue and Taget. Sunlight or tanning bed rays must be avoided for at least 12-18 hours after application. These oils applied to the skin will increase the chance of severe burns from ultraviolet light. (Tisserand and Young p.659)
  10. Do not put essential oils in or around the eyes, the ears or other orifices. If essential oil does contact these areas, immediately flush with carrier oil and wipe off excess. If irritation persists, seek medical advice.
  11. Persons who have asthma and allergies should proceed cautiously with essential oils.
  12. Persons who have sensitivities to perfumes, or multiple chemical sensitivities should proceed cautiously with essential oils. (Tisserand and Young p.658)
  13. Cancer treatment: Because of possible and unpredictable effects on immune mechanisms, it is recommend that essential oils are avoided from one week before to one month following a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. (Tisserand and Young p.656)
  14. Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children. They can be poisonous if swallowed.
  15. Essential oils may be safely used internally if you have appropriate medical guidance by a trained Clinical Aromatherapist who understands pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, appropriate formulation techniques, and the safety issues related to each route of application.

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