The Oil Nerd

Finding the Cure? Or Work On Prevention? 
Why I Love Essential Oils!

A little story from my life ... 
My grandmother had diabetes for most of her senior adult life and, as she aged, it got worse. She was told and warned of what would be required of her to keep the disease at bay--eat better, get some daily exercise--and really take note of what she was putting in her body that was going to make her blood sugar skyrocket and damage her organs and eyesight and affect her over all well being. My grandmother was a good woman, but she liked her food and her sweets. She pretty much made the choice to keep eating how she wanted and never really made exercise a priority in her life. Diabetes finally took her life in 2014, a bit too soon if you ask me. I do know she is up singing with Jesus and all the angels though, as she was a gospel singer so wouldn't surprised me if that is what she is doing right now! Sure, she lived a pretty long life; but, the last three years her life was a hard one to live. She made choices and they were not always good ones with regard to her health. Since diabetes is in our family history, my mom has chosen to combat it by eating right and exercising. In fact, she provides free workout classes at her church to help others combat diseases as well. She has obtained certifications in fitness and nutrition. My mom has made the choice as to how she is going to treat her body here on earth and has chosen PREVENTION--as much as possible. 

Perhaps many reading this have cancer in your family line, just as I have diabetes in MY family lineage.  We ALL face various genetic issues--some that we are well aware of--and some that we are not.  Case in mom WAS diagnosed with diabetes just this year. However, she is managing it with the good choices she is making. While she may not be able to cure it, she also isn’t choosing to worsen her condition. In fact, her doctor often tells her he wishes all his patients would be as proactive as she is in holding her disease at bay!  I, too, will probably be facing this diagnosis down the road and I have the choice NOW on how I am going to prevent, prepare, and respond NOW with what I put in and on my body. I can also decide to take action with what I eat and how physically fit I am NOW.  

Rest in peace my sweet, gospel singing grandmother Jackie and prayers to all of you that have lost loved ones.
I am not perfect!
I can't say, even though I wish I could, that I am a chemical free household but I am definitely. slowly working my way towards it! I am currently enrolled in courses at Aromahead Institute because I would like to become eventually a certified aromatherapist. So alot, if not most of the information I pull for this blog and write about is stuff I am learning through my course work at Aromahead. I also research ingredients themselves not just essential oils. The information on this blog will slowly pop up as it takes time to make sure my information is valid and correct so best to "follow" this blog for the latest updates.

Know the Chemicals that are Harmful to You!

If as a generation of "health" will we actually lower our risk of cancer even if the FDA isn't up for it yet? I personally feel if you follow safety with oils and do your own research you will be surprised like me on how essential oils have been around for eons! You also want to note the chemicals tat are being tossed into products that no one seems to mind using? I am surprised at what ingredients are allowed in our everyday products! You can almost call me the ingredient police! Someone having cancer is almost becoming a norm which by no means do we want the BIG C to become a "norm" in our lives! 

We need to start kicking it in the tail before it gets us by changing a few things in our daily routine! 

One thing we need to remember is that there are still many "unknowns" about cancer but also TONS of "knowns" about it as well. We all want to help cure cancer, actually beat it to the ground so it never returns again along with many other illnesses that affect our well being, but yet we are not wanting to realize how we get cancer or other illnesses in the first place which is by the toxins we put in our body! Want to lower your risk of cancer or want to just keep throwing money at trying to find a cure? We know the "cure"...well kind of, at least to a point that you can try and defeat the odds of it occurring to you...its called chemicals aka toxins. Essential oils are great alternative to your everyday products if you know which brand to look for! You can recreate almost every product you use daily with the use of essential oils and proper blending recipes. 

We need to stop supporting companies that throw toxins in our products because in buying their products we are saying that "we don't care what you put in the products as long as they cover up a zit or remove a blemish or make me feel clean and pretty!" 

Support companies that are actually chemical free and at least trying to better our lives with using essential oil in their products instead of chemicals! Isn't it weird that the FDA will approve all these "drugs" that are proven to not be all the grand but yet you can get FDA approval on essential oil use as "drugs." Does that make you question the FDA a little? It does me! Just google it! Here is more what FDA makes know about essential oils. (Go to FDA Website

Now do you understand? I am open to questions if you have them just post below or email me! Lets start helping each other be more healthy not only in our lives but also our choices!

Disclaimer: Some links will contain affiliate links from companies I feel are reputable in their oils, but I am not here to battle oil companies just here to educate more about what I am learning in regards to essential oils and their uses with the safety information included.

-EO Nerd

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