Saturday, February 13, 2016

Antibacterial Diffuser Blend
*Kid Safe*
This is a great blend to diffuse especially if the "flu" is going around or some other ailment. It is kid safe (ages 2+) as well. This is also great if you or your kids are experiencing cold symptoms and also great after you had alot of visitors in your home. Cleanse the air of germs!

20 drops of Fir Essential Oil (abies balsamea) : Good for colds, helps reduce inflammation of the bronchial passages and mucous
20 drops of Sweet Orange Essential Oil (citrus sinesis) Deodorizing, disinfectant, cleansing
20 drops of Cedarwood Essential oil (cedrus deodora) Reduces anxiety, emotionally stabilizing, ground

Add oils into the bottle and top with a reducer cap. Follow your manufacturers instructions on the amount of drops to add to your diffuser. (Mine states 5 drops)

Use blend only for inhalation or diffusing. This is undiluted therefore not meant for topical use. Kid safe.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Eczema Lotion Blend

I decided to combine these two oils in an unscented baby lotion I use and I love the smell. Vetiver is super thick so you need to warm it up in your hands or a warm glass of water to thin it a bit. Vetiver helps with acne, arthritis, muscle aches/pains and helps with lowered immunity. Lavender essential oil is great for abrasions, acne, aging skin, burns, scarring and great for skin disorders. These two oils combined into a lotion will work wonders on your skin. I have celiac disease so a good, non greasy lotion is great when I can find one. This unscented lotion fits perfect for this recipe. Great for rashes, eczema, dry patches and itchy skin! (since I am a rep for Poofy Organics I tend to use the products I have one hand especially the oils but there are other options for unscented lotion and oils out there just make sure you look at the ingredients listed and you trust the oils are pure)

60ml (2oz) of Unscented Organic Lotion
10 drops of Vetiver Essential Oil (Vetiveria zizanioides): Helps heals scars and immune system booster.
10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) Anti bacterial, anti-fungal, stimulates cell growth.

Add ingredients into a container. A snap PET lid would be better but all I had was a jar. Mix together with a glass stirring rod for about a minute and you are all set with a great moisturizer for those trouble spots!

This is a 2% dilution so safe for adults and teens and best to use when the skin is inflamed as it will sooth and calm the skin. As always make sure you spot check before just rubbing this lotion all over your body. This is meant to be used as a hand and body lotion. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Relaxing Blend

Having trouble with relaxing so your mind will shut off to go to sleep? 
Then try this Relaxing Blend!

Benefits of the oils used in this recipe:

Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) essential oil is a calming and gentle oil. Great for anxiety, eases frustration and irritability. Very harmonizing. 

Cedarwood(Cedrus atlantica) essential oil reduces anxiety, quiets the mind and deepens the breathing and calms.

Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) essential oil reduces anxiety, relaxes the muscles and quiets the mind. Bring pleasure and joy.

(This is an adult topical blend. Dilution rate not for children)

-EO Nerd

Muscle Relaxation Blend

I had extremely sore muscles from a fall that occurred and the benefits of lavender include muscle relaxation so why not after a rough fall to take a lavender bath to not only ease and relax me but also relax my muscles. Lavender also helps with bruising and inflammation.

I used milk as my carrier/dilution because it is all I had at the time and well I ALWAYS have milk. You can't just add oils to water as they don't mix and could cause skin irritation. You want to always add a carrier. The milk is good because the oil binds with the fat of the milk. This dilution is meant for adults not children.

4 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil
1tsp Whole Milk (fattier the better)

-EO Nerd

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Simple Laundry Detergent for Sensitive Skin

Organic Laundry Detergent :
For Sensitive Skin and Safe for Everyone in the

This recipe I created myself after some research of not wanting DIY recipe that contained Borax. Borax isn't needed and does the same thing as washing soda. I also have an HE washing machine and a front loader so if this works for my machine it will work for yours! I am also on a septic and this recipe is septic safe! Please always though consult your users manual before using anything.


One Bar of Unscented Soap :  
This bar made for sensitive skin and a great soap for babies and there isn't any scent to it.

2 Cups of Washing Soda :

Washing soda is just sodium carbonate. Here is the EWG info on the ingredient itself. You can make your own via baking soda but that is ALOT of time and work so I just buy it!

5 Drops Organic Lemon Essential Oil:
I use certified organic oils wherever I can and so should you! They go through a third party testing so you know they are pure and not altered. The lemon oil acts as a degreaser and you dont need much!

1/2 Cup Organic ACV:
I am saying this is optional cause I actually don't always use it but it is good to use during the rinse cycle because the vinegar helps dissolve the detergents and soaps off of your clothes. Laundry detergent has a very alkaline PH, which can irritate skin so using the vinegar helps reset this PH level. When I have not used it we have not had any skin issues and everyone in this family has very sensitive skin so that is why this is optional and you use during your rinse cycle.


Grate the bar of soap with my cheese grater and added to my blender or you can use a food processor. Add to your blender the washing soda and blend til it creates a powder. That is all! Add to a container Simple right? I know! Crazy easy!

Instructions for Use:

Add to each load of laundry 2-3 tbs of the soap mixture. Then add five drops per load and I just drop right on top of the mixture. Then if you choose add 1/2 cup to your rinse section of your washing machine.


-EO Nerd

Friday, January 15, 2016


Blend is for Ages 2 and up
The oils used in this blend are immune supportive, anti bacterial, calming and soothing to the muscles and the body. ie achiness

2 drops of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
1 Drop of Sweet Orange (Citrus Sinensis)
1 Drop of Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)
2 Tbs of Milk*

Directions: Fill bath up with luke warm water (children usually dont care for the cold water so why torture) Then pour in your blended mix you created and swoosh around. Have child soak and relax for at least 30 minutes.

*Testimony of using this blend: When I used this blend within about three hours his fever broke and never came back.

*Milk: In alot of my blends you will see milk referenced as my carrier. I like milk due to I always have it available and it is cheaper than some carriers since I blend often. The fat content of the milk is what the oil binds to to help blend it.

Disclaimer for all Recipes Listed: None of these blends have been approved by the FDA these are my opinions only based on the knowledge I have gained through course work at aromahead institute, textbooks and case studies I have read. If you are on medications, or have any health conditions that might put you at risk when using essential oils please contact your primary care provider first. Safety First.

-EO Nerd