Saturday, January 2, 2016

Ingesting Essential Oils

Just Say No To Ingesting Of Oils

This is what I personally advocate no matter what information is out there!

This topic is being thrown around too loosely these days like a vitamin you pop daily with a glass of water. HELLO PEOPLE do you know what ingesting essential oils can do to your body especially when you are not educated on them? So you are going to just take the direct sales persons word for how to treat and heal your body? NO WAY! I wouldn't even tell people on how to use an oil. I will suggest but definitely never suggest internally!

People really need to educate themselves a bit more on essential oils and how to use them. How you use them affects you and what each oil is meant to do. There are risks for younger kids when using certain oils along with you NEVER should ingest an essential oil.

WHY? Um hmm lets read and then you decide on if you should take that risk just cause someone wants to make a couple of bucks off you.
  • 1 drop of essential oil is like drinking about 30 cups of herbal tea. This shows how potent just one drop of oil is!
  • Topical applications you can get the same benefits as taking them internally. I haven't come across any certified aromatherapists that casually says SURE ingest the oils you will be fine. No all of them I have asked (4), they all say don't ingest unless you have spoken to your physician.
  • Three drops on the sole of your feet or hands because this is where there is the most skin on your body. It absorbs within 15 minutes and will go into your blood stream. Our internal skin not as thick image what the oils do to our insides!
  • When you take essential oils internally you can actually overload your liver. It processes really quickly and just goes directly to the liver. Applying topically it slowly releases into the bloodstream and then disperses where it needs to go instead of it all rushing to your live. 
  • Some oils are so potent they will remove bath tub paint! Very potent!
  • Most essential oils have NOT been studied, especially in concentrated internal amounts.
If you want to take the risk then by all means go for it but make sure you understand what the affects could potentially be on your body. I will stick with the methods of diffusing and topical myself because why put your body at that kind of risk when there are other methods that are safer and if not more effective!

Educate yourself please! 
(this is a blog post from the owner of Poofy Organics and she is also a certified aromatherapist) 
(robert tisserand also refers to this blog post in regards to ingesting of oils) 
(credentials  HERE for Robert Tisserand) and check this out as well
(This link has alot of sourced information and I felt it was worth announcing along with the author being an aromatherapist. I dont see or its not in my face that she sells any sort of oils either) 
(Certified Aromatherapist) (many extra source material listed) 

(same as above) (many extra sourced material listed)  (The national library of medicine) 
(Dr Pappa's actually is a chemist and HERE is more about him and Essential Oil University)

-EO Nerd

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